Revolutionizing Hospital Navigation: Royal North Shore Hospital Sydney

AGD's Innovative Wayfinding Environmental Graphics Transform Hospital Navigation

AGD - Anne Gordon and Tim Walker, have revolutionized hospital navigation with their innovative wayfinding environmental graphics at the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney. This article explores the inspiration, unique properties, and realization of this award-winning design.

The design inspiration for the Royal North Shore Hospital's wayfinding environmental graphics came from the need to simplify navigation in a hospital setting, where spaces are often repetitive and devoid of individuality. AGD sought to replace the traditional black and white signage with a more engaging, color-coded system that would be both memorable and easy to understand. The goal was to bring the outside colors into the building and use three lift core colors to help users find their way around the hospital.

What sets this design apart is its simplicity and effectiveness. Rather than just designing ‘better’ signs, AGD focused on ensuring the comprehension of the sign’s meaning. The signs, designed to be consistent, logical, and flexible, became tools of scale, position, nomenclature, messages, materials, graphics, and color. The design team also tackled the challenge of horizontal navigation within the same level of the hospital, ensuring that users could easily find their way regardless of their destination level or the lift core color they used.

The realization of this design was made possible by the advances in digital technology, which allowed for direct printing in millions of colors on nearly any material and shape. Sustainability was also a key consideration in the choice of materials, with a focus on long-lasting materials that could be up-cycled or re-used.

Technical specifications of the design included the use of magnetically attached panels to avoid visible mechanical face fixings and glass for the main directory boards for protection and easy maintenance. The design also allowed for the easy updating of department locations, resulting in a minimal signage system that is energy-efficient and sustainable.

The design team, led by Creative Director Anne Gordon and Design Director Tim Walker, faced several challenges during the design process. One of the main challenges was ensuring that the signage design could adapt to changes in department and destination locations, both during and after construction. The team's solution was to build flexibility into the design, allowing for easy updates to signage messages.

This innovative design has not only transformed the way users navigate the Royal North Shore Hospital but also earned AGD a Silver A' Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award in 2017. The award recognizes top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Anne Gordon
Image Credits: Image 1 / Photographer Rowan Turner / Lift Lobby Directory Boards and wayfinding signage Image 2 / Photographer Rowan Turner / Lift Lobby Directory Boards and wayfinding signage Image 3 / Photographer Rowan Turner / Main entrance / Directory and freestanding sign Image 4 / Photographer Rowan Turner / Directory Boards and wayfinding signage Image 5 / Photographer Rowan Turner / Freestanding sign and directory
Project Team Members: Creative Director : Anne Gordon 
Design Director : Tim Walker
 Senior Designer : Coco Reynolds
 Senior Designer : Juanita Franzi
 Junior designer : Cherie Mable

Project Name: Royal North Shore Hospital Sydney
Project Client: Anne Gordon

Royal North Shore Hospital Sydney IMG #2
Royal North Shore Hospital Sydney IMG #3
Royal North Shore Hospital Sydney IMG #4
Royal North Shore Hospital Sydney IMG #5
Royal North Shore Hospital Sydney IMG #5

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